The High Performance Computing Section of the Laboratory of Computational Biology is part of the Biochemistry and Biophysics Center Division of Intramural Research National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health. This Section is a group of researchers who support and maintain the LoBoS cluster that allows scientists in the laboratory to use high-performance computing to investigate biological systems by using molecular dynamics. This Section is lead by John Legato.

LoBoS is a parallel, Beowulf Class, high performance computing cluster located at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. It is operated by the High Performance Computing Section of the Laboratory of Computational Biology, which is managed by Dr. Bernard R. Brooks. LoBoS was the first world-wide available Beowulf cluster for Computational Chemistry and for the past two decades it has been the second largest computing cluster at the NIH, behind the CIT's Biowulf cluster that supports the general computing needs of all of NIH.